
Finding a good therapist is no easy task, particularly online where your options seem as endless as Yelp's dinner recommendations. The search can be exhausting, especially when you’re just trying to find someone who will get you.

Letting yourself be vulnerable with a stranger is scary, and I commend you for taking the first step in finding someone.

My therapeutic style is centered around respect and empathy. My aim is to help you alleviate your pain and become more aware of your feelings and patterns of relating to yourself and to others. 

Many of the most common mental health struggles such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse and relational issues stem from past painful traumatic experiences. I believe that working with the root cause of these symptoms has the most impactful and sustained healing benefits. Our work will provide you with tools and strategies to continue growing beyond the work done in session. Focused EMDR work can successfully dismantle some of the belief systems that are keeping you from having an authentic, abundant life. My wish for my clients is that they can come to a greater love and acceptance for all the parts of themselves. I hope they can grow in their emotional intelligence, resilience and maturity which translates to improved relationships, greater sense of purpose and meaning, and wholehearted living.